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領域代表の杉本が「Nursing Diversity 2022」にて口頭発表 / Sugimoto gave an oral presentation at "Nursing Diversity".

執筆者の写真: SugimotoSugimoto

領域代表の杉本が「Nursing Diversity 2022」にて発表を行いました。

タイトルは「Eye-Tracking-based Nursing Education for Nonverbal Skills(視線計測に基づいた非言語スキルの看護教育)」です。


Sugimoto gave an oral presentation at "Nursing Diversity 2022".

The title is "Eye-Tracking-based Nursing Education for Nonverbal Skills".

It was held online under the theme of "Exploring new ideas and challenges in Nursing Education & Research" from 9th to 11st May.


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