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酒井先生・西川先生・荒川先生が日本再生医療学会に参加されました/Oral presentations at the Congress of Regenerative Medicine

執筆者の写真: SugimotoSugimoto



●シンポジウム「Organ on a chipの新展開、異なる立場からの考察」(酒井先生が座長、荒川先生が発表「腸肝連結型 microphysiological system を用いた薬物動態の臓器連関研究」)

●シンポジウム「バイオリアクター アップデート/Post Printing Processの効率化を目指して」(酒井先生が発表「細胞大量培養の発展の経緯と再生医療への展開」)


Dr. Sakai (A03) and Dr. Nishikawa (A02) ,Dr.Arakawa (A03) attended the 20th Congress of the Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine.

They presented

- Future and discussion of organ on a chip:Pharmacokinetic study of organ-organ interactions using entero-hepatic microphysiological system

- Bioreactor update for the development of efficient Post Printing Process:Past history of large-scale cell culture and its extension to regenerative medicine

- Design and development of new culture system for human iPS cells


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