酒井 康行 教育講演「マイクロフィジオロジカルシステムの現在と未来」
福田 淳二 「毛髪再生医療のための工学的アプローチ」
遠山 周吾 「代謝制御に基づくヒトiPS細胞由来心筋細胞の作製と再生医療への応用」
学会は「翔べ再生医療 -幹細胞生物学と組織工学の共創-」をテーマに、オンラインにて3/17(木)~19(土)に開催されました。
Dr.Sakai, Fukuda, and Tohyama gave a lecture and presentations at the "21st Congress of the Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine".
Presenters and titles are as follows;
Dr.Sakai: Educational lecture "Current status and future of microphysiological systems"
Dr.Fukuda: "Engineering approaches for hair regenerative medicine"
Dr.Tohyama: "Metabolism-Based Production of Cardiomyocytes from Human iPSCs for Regenerative Therapy"
It was held online under the theme of "Fly, Regenerative medicine---Co-Creation of Stem Cell Biology and Tissue Engineering---" from March 17th to 19th.