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遠山先生の心臓再生治療に関する総説が掲載されました / Dr.Tohyama's review of cardiac regenerative therapy was published.

執筆者の写真: SugimotoSugimoto

A02班の遠山周吾先生の、心臓再生治療の現状と将来の展望に関する総説が、科学誌「Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine」に12月8日に掲載されました。



Dr.Tohyama's review of the current status and future prospects of cardiac regeneration therapy was published in "Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine" on 8th December.

The title is "The Present State and Future Perspectives of Cardiac Regenerative Therapy Using Human Pluripotent Stem Cells".

This review describes previous studies related to hPSC-CMs and discusses the future perspectives of cardiac regenerative therapy using hPSC-CMs.


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