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遠山先生のヒトipsc由来の心臓組織に関する論文が掲載されました / Dr.Tohyama's paper on Hipsc-Derived Cardiac Tissue was published.

執筆者の写真: SugimotoSugimoto

A02班の遠山周吾先生の、Hipsc(ヒト人工多能性幹細胞)由来の心臓組織に関する論文が「IEEE Xplore」 に3月3日に掲載されました。

タイトルは「局所的な電気刺激装置によるマイクロファイバー形状の Hipsc由来の心臓組織の発火点の制御」です。


Dr.Tohyama's paper on Hipsc-Derived Cardiac Tissue was published in "IEEE Xplore" on 3rd March.

The title is "Controlling Firing Point of Microfiber-Shaped Hipsc-Derived Cardiac Tissue with Localized Electrical Stimulation Device".

The system enables accurate analysis of cardiac potential and conduction velocity of the heart model, and could contribute to the elucidation of pathological dynamics such as arrhythmia, whose mechanism of occurrence still remains unknown.


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