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西川先生が「日化協 LRI賞」を受賞されました / Dr.Nishikawa received the JCIA LRI Award.

執筆者の写真: SugimotoSugimoto

A02班の西川昌輝先生が「日化協 LRI (Long-range Research Initiative)賞」を受賞されました。


日化協 LRI賞は、一般社団法人日本化学工業協会より、「化学物質が人の健康や環境に与える影響」に関する優れた業績をあげた研究者に贈られます。

Dr.Nishikawa received the JCIA LRI Award.

His research title was "Development of highly functional hepatocyte culture system focusing on suppression of drug absorption and control of oxygen supply flux".

This award is presented by the JCIA to researchers who have made outstanding achievements in the field of "the effects of chemical substances on human health and the environment." Congratulations!


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