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荒川先生の薬物誘発性腎障害に関する論文が掲載されました / Dr.Arakawa's paper on drug-induced kidney injury was published.

執筆者の写真: SugimotoSugimoto

A03班の荒川大先生の薬物誘発性腎障害 (DIKI) に関する論文が「Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin」2022年45巻3号に掲載されました。



Dr.Arakawa's paper on drug-induced kidney injury (DIKI) was published in "Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin" in Volume 45 (2022) Issue 3.

The title is "Evaluation of Platinum Anticancer Drug-Induced Kidney Injury in Primary Culture of Rat Kidney Tissue Slices by Using Gas-Permeable Plates".

The primary culture of rat kidney tissue slices on gas-permeable plates is expected to aid in the prediction of the extent of nephrotoxicity of drugs.


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