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福田先生と大久保先生のレポーターアッセイに関する論文が掲載されました / Dr.Fukuda and Ohkubo's paper on reporter assay was published.

執筆者の写真: SugimotoSugimoto

A02班の福田淳二先生と大久保佑亮先生の、レポーターアッセイに関する論文が科学誌「Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering」に1月13日に掲載されました。



Dr.Fukuda and Ohkubo's paper on reporter assay was published in "Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering" on 13th January.

The title is "Integrated fibroblast growth factor signal disruptions in human iPS cells for prediction of teratogenic toxicity of chemicals".

The human iPSC-based signal disruption assay could be a promising tool for the initial screening of developmental toxicants.


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